At the heart of our martial arts family, Mrs. Holly seamlessly balances family life and her passion for the martial arts community. While she may not always be the face you see during daily classes, she’s the driving force behind the unforgettable special events that our school hosts. Alongside her husband, they’ve built not just a martial arts institution, but a home where their four children – Joey, Ashley, Jade, and Ruby – have grown and thrived both as individuals and skilled martial artists. When she’s not orchestrating the next big event or fine-tuning the behind-the-scenes intricacies of the school, Mrs. Holly finds solace in the kitchen, whipping up delightful recipes inspired by her love for edible gardens. Family time is paramount to her, and it’s no surprise that her ethos permeates throughout our school, making every member feel like part of the extended family. She’s also a firm believer that the strength of any institution lies in its team. Proudly working with some of the best staff around, Mrs. Holly ensures that the school’s vision and values are upheld with excellence and love. Her dedication, warmth, and commitment are the underpinnings that make our martial arts school truly special.